How long does it take to eliminate odors?
deSTINKed immediately encapsulates and eliminates the surface-level odor molecules. As it penetrates the fabric, the enzymes continue to seek and destroy their favorite targets (human and pet odors). Depending on the depth of the fabric, you may notice continuing improvement for several minutes after the initial spray.
How long does it last?
As long as the bacilli have a food source, they will continue to generate more odor-eliminating enzymes. For example, if you spray your shoe before wearing it, they will thrive as long as your foot is sweating in the shoe or there is sweat left in the shoe. If you spray sweaty gear and put it your locker, deSTINKed will continue to work as long as it can keep finding the sweat.
I'm sensitive to perfumes and fragrances. Does deSTINKed itself have a smell?
deSTINKed has a fresh, natural scent without the use of perfumes, fragrances, or harsh chemicals. Even the fresh scent quickly dissipates, leaving behind No Scent.
What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept a wide range of online payments, including VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Venmo, and others. All payment information is managed by Shopify. No Scent Pro does not have access to your banking details, even if you Save it for future purchases.
Where can I get the best price on deSTINKed Odor Eliminators?
deSTINKed is available at Amazon.com, Walmart.com, and eBay.com for customers who prefer to shop there.
We offer Factory Direct prices at deSTINKed.com.
Our lowest prices are offered via a Subscription. Click here to learn how subscriptions work. Sign up on the product page!
Are there any surprise fees added to my purchase?
Shipping is free and there's never a Handling charge to prepare your order. Depending on state & local laws, we may collect Sales Tax.
Where are deSTINKed products available?
Our products can be shipped to any Postal Address in the United States and its Territories, including street addresses and PO Boxes.
At this time, we have not arranged for international shipping.
Where are deSTINKed products made?
Our products are proudly made and packaged in the USA. Our offices are in Tennessee.
How can I contact you if I have other questions that weren't answered here?
Contact us anytime at sales@deSTINKed.com. We would love to hear from you!